Eventi A.S. 2012/2013

Dagli U.S.A. all'Isabella d'Este

Anche quest’anno abbiamo accolto la richiesta  dell'Associazione ONLUS "Intercultura" di iscrivere uno studente straniero presso il nostro Istituto per l’anno scolastico 2012/2013.

La studentessa si chiama Cynamon Mantley, ha 17 anni e proviene da Pasadina - California - USA.

Cynamom frequenta la classe 4CB del Liceo Delle Scienze Sociali e così si presenta agli studenti ed ai docenti dell’Istituto:

My impressions of the school have been great. Despite the evident problem of language everything has been good. The students here are welcoming and I love my class 4CB! All of my teachers are great and understanding about my language barrier and my personal Italian tutor  Paola has been absolutely great at adjusting my schedule and helping me with all of the road blocks. I have faced while here. Being in school and in Italy in general has its challenges everyday but they are welcomed because I am in Italy and I never thought I would be able to have an honoring experience quite like this.

I am grateful for the experience, the welcoming kids, the helpful teachers, and the school being so welcoming of me despite my constant saying of “io non capito” and “no parlo italiano”. Mantova is a beautiful city, it’s a small city but that adds to its magic. I would not want to be anywhere else in Italy but here.

However,  a lot of  people have warned me about how cold the winter is here so when it is that time I probably will want to be anywhere else but here in Mantova!


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